MORE 2022 Musings
I bet we’re all happy to see the back of 2021
Personally, it was a very mixed bag. It went okay, I wrote some books, published more of the series, but then it ended with a massive bang.
My mom fell and broke her neck. She was incredibly lucky not to sustain any permanent damage, but after she was released from the hospital, I had to put my life on hold and look after her. She lives 2.5 hours drive away, so writing stopped cold. Which is fine–I’d rather my mom is okay than bash out another book.
However, this is a new year
I’m finishing the outline for the final book in the Second Chance Academy series, and will start writing it SOOOOOOON! (Never thought I’d miss writing until I couldn’t do it!!!)
I’m full of plans for the first quarter of the year. I’m learning how to run Facebook ads and hired my sister to take some great bookstagram shots which I’ll upload over the next few months.
I’m also (knock on wood) going to start plotting the spin-off series which will tell Beth’s story. Yay! It’ll be a reverse harem set in the Fae realm, so expect royalty, manipulative and cruel Fae, and a whole new set of troubled yet loyal characters. I can’t wait!