Reverse Harem Romance Newsletter
21 NOV 2024
Hey there!
It’s been a while! Let me update on what’s been going on:
2024 has been wild. I’m still looking after my mom, driving four hours there and back to do her shopping, paperwork, and offer company every two weeks. This will change very soon (see further down.)
Both my kids are doing well. My daughter is studying jazz singing and having a blast of a time, by the sounds of it 🤩
My other kid is finished with school and will start college in the Netherlands after the summer. She speaks German fluently, but feels very insecure about it, so decided to study in English. We’ll be hunting for a shared apartment for her in Leiden soon. Wish us luck!
But the biggest news are that we’re firming up our plans to move to Ireland
We’ll move into my husband’s parents’ house which needs a totally refurb, but because we’re operating on a budget, I’ve challenged myself to learn how to plaster by next year 🤠Because why not?!?
REAM and other updates
Ream? Yeah, no…
There’s no easy way to say this, but Ream didn’t turn out well. The husband and wife team running it bullied and pushed out the young man who had become the face of the platform. I’d joined Ream because Michael impressed me greatly. When he left, I was done.
I spent so much time setting up my account, created profile images, and spent many hundreds of $ on their courses to learn how to be most effective. I’m not very happy about the loss of time and money, but I did learn a lot of stuff about serials and marketing, so at least that’s something.
I’m still going to do serials, though. And you can read them for FREE!
So instead of ream, I came up with another idea!
As of the 6th of January (I’ll remind you, no worries!), I’ll post Fae Lost in chapters, followed by Fae Torn, and then Fae Found on my website. The posts will go up on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays.
You are welcome to read along for free. Each chapter is available for 24 hours and then disappears.
If you prefer to read ahead or miss a chapter, all the books will also be available through Kindle Unlimited.
I’ll do this for every new book I’m writing.
Why am I doing this? Because I’d love to get more feedback from my readers and build a community around my books and the worlds they’re set in.
What do you think? Will you join me?
Closer to the time, I’ll offer some giveaways, some NSFW art, pendants, or similar. I haven’t made up my mind yet… Watch this space!
Fae Found, Book three of the hidden fae series

OMG. There was so much going on in 2024, most of my writing plans got thrown in the air and stomped on when they hit the ground.
I published Virgo Blessed as part of a joint universe in March 2024. There will be another two books to finish the trilogy.
But more importantly, I’m 2/3 done with writing Fae Found, the last book in the Hidden Fae trilogy.
I have no blurb yet, but Beth is sick and tired of running and hiding. She’s not alone, of course. Her men are working through their own issues, but when she needs them, they’ll be there. Right? RIGHT?!?
Don’t forget to sign up for my reverse harem romance newsletter at this link if you want timely reminders of giveaways, donations, competitions, and so much more.