spirit child – now available on Amazon

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You can read the story on Amazon FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

Introducing Adi Gutseel, growing up in Germany with her American German parents. She has a secret. She sees wild animals all around her. Are they real or is Adi mentally ill? Her parents think so.

Only her beloved Grandmother knows that she’s different. How does the young girl cope with the unusual ability thrust upon her? When her life is turned up-side-down, will her gift turn into a curse?

What Makes Spirit Child Special?

Adi has gripped my imagination. She’s a typical headstrong 7-year-old with a big secret. Where other kids have ‘imaginary friends’, Adi sees all kinds of animals hanging around friends and family, even strangers. Some are cute, some are terrifying.

Her beloved German grandmother is the only one who understands what she’s going through. Her parents don’t. They see Adi’s ‘imaginary animals’ as a threat to her mental health.

The story is told from Adi’s perspective. Follow along as she tries to understand what is happening to her. See how she develops throughout the story and how she copes with a great loss. All these events make her who she is in Spirit Hunger, my novel out Winter 2016.

Read the first chapter now!

The book is going through the editing process right now but the first chapter is pretty much ready to roll.

If you like Adi, you’ll love Honi. Honi’s story will be published next – another short story delving into how the young Mekui’te acquired his spirit animal.

This has been quite a ride… I started this journey last year but realized very quickly that there is so much more to learn than ‘just writing the book’! So 12 months later, I’ve wrestled the Interwebs into submission and I’m finally able to concentrate on what I really want to do: WRITE! Great feeling 🙂

Stay tuned!

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