"I loved this book and I can't wait for the next one in the series. From the very first page I was dragged through the book whether I wanted to be or not. I was supposed to accomplish things today - but that didn't happen. I shirked my responsibilities and binge read this book til it was finished. I love how Ella's RH romance is a slow burn, lightly weaved through the story, but doesn't detract from or overwhelm the magic. The characters are deep and colorful and the storyline is compelling. The writing is so well crafted that I couldn't find a break between chapters to put the book down! I can't wait to see what Amber gets up to next!"
Lasairiona McMaster Tweet
You won’t have to wait long for the second book in the series–it’s already up for preorder. Amber and her boys are faced with more secrets, more magic, more danger. Amidst all the mayhem, how will they possibly fit in time for al ittle nooky? Spoiler: they will… 🙂
As before, I will set up some more competitions to win paperbacks and ebook copies of Second Chance Soul. In the meantime, enjoy the cover!