How to Fix Your Novel by Steve Alcorn

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

How to Fix Your NovelThe Story

Have you started a novel, only to get part way into the manuscript and find yourself stuck? Or do you have an idea for a novel, but aren’t sure where to begin? Have you completed a first draft, but feel it doesn’t quite have the luster of professional writing?

In this lively and fun-to-read guide, Steve Alcorn shows you the remedies you need to achieve success. Step by step, you’ll breathe life into old manuscripts, create new novels that read like bestsellers, and put the spark back into your writing life. Topics include:

Story Structure
Character Building
Writing Big
Beginnings and Endings
Getting Published

Whether you’re a first time novelist still planning your story, or an experienced author looking for ways to bring your fiction to life, How to Fix Your Novel is the ideal prescription.

Steve Alcorn is a theme park designer, author and teacher. His novels include mysteries, young adult stories, historic fiction and romance. During the past decade Mr. Alcorn has helped more than 10,000 aspiring writers fix their novels and polish their manuscripts, through the online learning programs of 1500 colleges and universities worldwide. Now you can learn those same techniques in this fun and easy-to-use guide.

My take on it

It’s taking me a long time to read this book, not because it’s unreadable but because I am putting each point into action as I go along. Steve has managed to break down the act of plotting and writing a novel into logical, easy to follow steps. I’m finding it hard to grasp the concept of scene and sequel, but I think that’s more my shortcoming then Steve’s.

All in all, I would recommend this book to anybody thinking about writing a novel. Preferably before you even begin to plot!

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