Second Chance Soul, Book Two of the Second Chance Academy–Chapter One

Rapid releasing is a lot of fun! And work, but yeah, I love having something to send to my mailing list every few days. So this is what’s happening: Book One is out. Book Two will be out on the 4th of December. Remember: 99c for the first two days only! It’ll be in Kindle […]

Launching My New Novel Second Chance Academy: T minus 10 Days

Guys, I’m soooo excited! This is the first proper launch I’m organizing. I honestly can’t wait to see whether people enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Second Change Fate will go live  on the 30th of October for 24 hours  at the special price of 99c. Then the price will go up to […]

Special Hellcats Edition!

As if you couldn’t tell already by the subject line, this is the HELLCATS special issue of my normal newsletter. Let me explain: I’m part of a large network of writers from all over the world. One of my friend’s relatives lives in Armenia. Erada is nearly 80 and has never known another home. Unfortunately, […]

Reverse Harem Challenges–and no, too many pretty boys isn’t one of them

In the last blog post, I explained briefly how I came across Reverse Harem. Once I’d arrived at the decision to write RH, I thought the rest would be easy. After all, I already had four novels under my belt, and creating stories is something I enjoy greatly. Turned out, it isn’t as easy as […]