The Power of Accountability

It’s Easy to Write a Book. Right? Right? Back in Spring 2015, when the self-publishing phenomenon gathered momentum, I decided to write a book. I had done some research and had a good idea that I wanted to write something romantic with magical elements strewn in. I grew up in Germany, and from early on, […]

Spirit Hunger is now available on all platforms!

Spirit Hunger is now available on all platforms (except for Kobo because I lost my login—don’t ask)! OMG, I’m so excited! After what felt like an eternity—and was in fact nearly two years—I finished the novel. To be fair, I didn’t WRITE it for two years but spent a lot of time building a mailing […]

Tapfere Schneiderlein (Valiant Little Tailor) by Brothers Grimm

This is a seriously long tale and I’ll post it in 2 parts. It’s a lovely story of misunderstandings, how important your reputation (true or false) is, and how to manipulate your environment to get what you want. In the first part, our hero goes along with not much autonomy and takes in his stride what’s […]

Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty) by the Brothers Grimm

Given that my new novel Spirit Elfen is at least partly inspired by my German heritage, I thought it would be fun to translate some of the original stories from German to English. The old Grimm, Bechstein or Hauff stories are a treat to read but far more brutal than the sanitized Disney versions might make […]