Guest Post on Dictation with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 Premium

Taming the Dragon–A Guide to Dictation Every self-published writer knows that creating content quickly is key to success in today’s competitive market place. The faster you can write, the quicker you’ll have your first book or your first series. There are several books on the market that will help you with this. My favorites are […]
How two Mounties convinced me to write Reverse Harem

Writing Reverse Harem is not something I’d ever considered. Then this happened: Do you believe in synchronicity? That when the time is right and you’re in the right mindset, opportunities arise without logical explanation? Or put differently, weird stuff happens? Last year, I traveled to Edinburgh—which is an amazing city, btw—for a writers’ conference, staying in […]
The Power of Accountability
It’s Easy to Write a Book. Right? Right? Back in Spring 2015, when the self-publishing phenomenon gathered momentum, I decided to write a book. I had done some research and had a good idea that I wanted to write something romantic with magical elements strewn in. I grew up in Germany, and from early on, […]
How I Overcame Writer’s Block
How I overcame Writer’s Block So for the last two days I haven’t been able to write. I’m literally 90% done with my novel. In theory, I should be flying through the final ‘boss battle’ and head for the home straight. In practice I was terrified of that particular scene. I had no idea where […]
How do you FAIL Nanowrimo?
Did you fail NaNoWriMo? NaNoWriMo 2016 is nearly over. Some participants won the contest, others didn’t. My Twitter and Instagram feeds are full of writers bemoaning that they “failed Nano”. That makes me really sad. It’s like they don’t even realise that they’re a lot further along than they were at the beginning of the […]
How to Fix Your Novel
How to Fix Your Novel by Steve Alcorn My rating: 5 of 5 stars The Story Have you started a novel, only to get part way into the manuscript and find yourself stuck? Or do you have an idea for a novel, but aren’t sure where to begin? Have you completed a first draft, but […]
Great info on writing short stories
I decided to maybe take a break from writing my novel, but write a quick short story instead which will go more into my character’s backstory. It’s been quite a while since I last wrote a short story so I thought I quickly google and see what I could find. There are some great resources […]
Author 2.0
Author 2.0 Blueprint by J.F. Penn My rating: 5 of 5 stars Read through this quickly. Then spent 3 x the time following the links in the book. There is so much information on how to write, how to self-publish, how to market yourself and your book. Great and free! Thanks so much, Joanna! […]