Introducing Unapologetic GAY Romance Under New Pen Name

Unapologetic Gay Romance because Love Needs No Excuses Our world generally sucks. Children die from poison-gas in Syria, drown in the ocean while trying to get away from slaughter, and are abused again and again (Hungary, anybody?) because they dare to want to survive. And that’s just in the so-called 3rd world countries. In our […]

Romantic Urban Fantasy–Wanna See as Graphic Novel?

Spirit Hunger Graphic Novel—One Day! Now that my novel is published and has gathered some really nice reviews on Amazon, I’m looking into the future. WAY, WAY into the future. Like, let’s say, 5 years? As you must be aware by now, I’ve enjoyed the writing process so immensely that I’ve fallen in love with my […]

Introducing Spirit Elfen

German-Cheyenne Crossover? Seriously? The working title Spirit Elfen gives you a clue to my own background (Elfen is German for Elves). I’m German bred and raised but always had a huge interest in American Indian mythology and history. Which isn’t as weird as it sounds – there is a massive interest in US Western history in […]

Fatal Shadows by Josh Lanyon

Fatal Shadows by Josh Lanyon My rating:  5 of 5 stars The story One sunny morning Los Angeles bookseller and aspiring mystery author Adrien English opens his front door to murder. His old high school buddy (and employee) has been found stabbed to death in a back alley following a loud and very public argument […]