Remember how I said my next book would be the last in series? I lied.

Well, not really… There are just too many threads to tie up (plus I conjured up another surprise twist, snicker). I’m not 100% sure yet, but I feel there’s another book after this one. On the one hand, I’m excited to continue the story and give it space to breathe. On the other, I’m dying […]
Launching My New Novel Second Chance Academy: T minus 10 Days

Guys, I’m soooo excited! This is the first proper launch I’m organizing. I honestly can’t wait to see whether people enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Second Change Fate will go live on the 30th of October for 24 hours at the special price of 99c. Then the price will go up to […]
How two Mounties convinced me to write Reverse Harem

Writing Reverse Harem is not something I’d ever considered. Then this happened: Do you believe in synchronicity? That when the time is right and you’re in the right mindset, opportunities arise without logical explanation? Or put differently, weird stuff happens? Last year, I traveled to Edinburgh—which is an amazing city, btw—for a writers’ conference, staying in […]