Spirit Warrior is FINALLY ready!

Nine Months Later Spirit Warrior is Born The first two books, Spirit Hunger and Spirit Elfen,  took roughly two months each to write. The third book Spirit Warrior, for some reason,  felt like being pregnant. NINE MONTHS, people, NINE MONTHS!!! But I got it done. Finally. And according to my intrepid beta readers, it’s not […]

Spirit Hunger is now available on all platforms!

Spirit Hunger is now available on all platforms (except for Kobo because I lost my login—don’t ask)! OMG, I’m so excited! After what felt like an eternity—and was in fact nearly two years—I finished the novel. To be fair, I didn’t WRITE it for two years but spent a lot of time building a mailing […]

Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty) by the Brothers Grimm

Given that my new novel Spirit Elfen is at least partly inspired by my German heritage, I thought it would be fun to translate some of the original stories from German to English. The old Grimm, Bechstein or Hauff stories are a treat to read but far more brutal than the sanitized Disney versions might make […]

Introducing Spirit Elfen

German-Cheyenne Crossover? Seriously? The working title Spirit Elfen gives you a clue to my own background (Elfen is German for Elves). I’m German bred and raised but always had a huge interest in American Indian mythology and history. Which isn’t as weird as it sounds – there is a massive interest in US Western history in […]