Introducing Unapologetic GAY Romance Under New Pen Name

Unapologetic Gay Romance because Love Needs No Excuses Our world generally sucks. Children die from poison-gas in Syria, drown in the ocean while trying to get away from slaughter, and are abused again and again (Hungary, anybody?) because they dare to want to survive. And that’s just in the so-called 3rd world countries. In our […]

Sticks & Stones by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux

Sticks & Stones by Abigail Roux and Madeleine Urban My rating:  5 of 5 stars The story Six months after nearly losing their lives to a serial killer in New York City, FBI Special Agents Ty Grady and Zane Garrett are suffering through something almost as frightening: the monotony of desk duty. When they’re ordered to […]

Cut & Run by Abigail Roux and Madeleine Urban

Cut & Run by Abigail Roux and Madeleine Urban My rating:  5 of 5 stars The story A series of murders in New York City has stymied the police and FBI alike, and they suspect the culprit is a single killer sending an indecipherable message. But when the two federal agents assigned to the investigation are […]